Official Race Dates 2023-2024


Round 1 Saturday 27/01/24

Round 2 Saturday 10/02/24

Round 3 Saturday 24/02/24

Round 4 Saturday 09/03/24

Round 5 Saturday 06/04/24

Round 6 Finals Saturday 20/04/24

Race Calendar

About the Club

We would like to introduce you to the West Coast Jet Sprint Club.

Our local club based in Baldivis, has been the home of Jet Sprinting in Western Australia since 1995.

Jet Sprinting is an exciting and spectacular motor sport which has become an integral part of the Kwinana/Rockingham community.

Although modest by motor sport standards Baldivis Jet Sprint Park is the only permanently floodlit Jet Sprint track in Australia/World and is held in high regard by visiting competitors from interstate, New Zealand and Unites States.

So what’s it all about you may ask!

The sport of Jet Sprinting is very similar to rally driving with the major difference being it takes place on water, on a specially designed and excavated track and in a boat.

The track consists of narrow, 5 to 6 metre wide, interconnected channels around islands forming a tight, challenging course in an area not much larger than a football field.

The design of the track caters for many different course variations which allows the club to present a different challenge to the competitors at each race meeting.

Each boat has a crew of two, a driver and a navigator, their challenge being to complete the course in the shortest possible time in the correct sequence. The correct course sequence can involve up to 22 direction changes in less than a minute. Competitors only receive the track map a short time before racing.

The role of the navigator is to memorise the track and then indicate directions accurately to the driver.

The driver has the job of steering a 4 metre long, 600 plus horsepower boat at speeds of up 110kmh around the course in the shortest possible time.

With most Jet Sprint boats weighing only around 550 kilos, they are capable of accelerating to 100kmh in around 2 seconds, which makes for some very spectacular entertainment.

Come and join us and share the thrill of the action that happens on water and sometimes on land!

Do you dare to sit in the navigator seat!

West Coast Jet Sprint Club (Inc)

Phone 0407 197 588

E-mail us
Download Documents

Jet sprinting is simply awesome!

Jason Furnell
Vice president - Technical    
Adam Mileham  
Vice president - Administration
Rachael Swarts
Maree Donahue
Karen Burridge   

Committee members
Stuart Latham
Ivan Safranek
Cheryl Welch
Chris Kent

Our Committee